Until the invention of the printing press, scribes were the people that were paid to write or copy books by hand. These were the educated people of their civilizations. In our class, the scribes will be the ones writing the customized textbook for our course.
A Scribe post is a summary of what happened in class. It is filled with enough detail that someone who missed class will be able to catch-up on what they missed. As you are writing your posts ask yourself "Is this entry worthy to be included in our textbook? Would a graphic or example help clarify this topic?" At the end of your scribe post you will name the next scribe and you will tag your post with the date and unit.
I learned about scribe posts from Mr. Kuropatwa at Daniel Mac and Mr. Harbeck at Sargent Park (both schools are in Winnipeg). Once I have learned how to include links, I will give the links to their blogs! The blogs that their students have created have impressed me to the point of making scribe posts a mandatory part of PreCal 20S at Ste. Anne Collegiate.
We will also have pre-service teachers from the University of Regina reading and commenting on your posts. This blog will be as rich and useful as you make it. This will be a place for you to think about your learning and to ask questions of your fellow classmates, the pre-service teachers, me (Mrs. Remple), and the world outside of the halls of SAC.
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